Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 19: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

*Grade 10 Synergy

-Refer to Day 17

-read chapters 16 & 17 for Monday!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 17: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Vocabulary worksheet chapters 12-14
     -take up responses as a class

-Answer chapter questions 12-14
    -homework check Monday!

-read chapters 16 & 17 for Monday

*Note: Grade 10 Synergy (half of class is away)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 16: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

*The Importance of Titles


-When do we use titles in our society? (ex: Mister, Miss, etc).
-What is the significance of calling someone by a title?

View: Ben Harper: "Excuse Me Mister"
        -Follow along with lyrics


-What kind of Mister is portrayed in the first paragraph?
-What kind of Mister is portrayed in the fourth paragraph?
-What does Ben Harper express in the chorus? 
-Why would he want to take the 'Mister' from in front of this type of Mister’s name?
-What is the artist writing about in paragraph seven?
-How does the message in this song relate to Harper Lee's novel?

Language is a powerful tool in To Kill A Mockingbird. Using examples of titles for the characters in the novel, we can explore how the author uses language to reveal the power of words to establish what (and who) society values most.

Read as a class: The Importance of Titles

Complete in pairs: Character List worksheet
     -take up responses as a class

-Read Chapters 16 & 17 (for Monday)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 15: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Writing Task #1
    -Independent work period
    -All work is to be completed in class

-Create rubric together: TKAM Writing Task #1 Rubric

-Read chapter 15

-Bring in permission forms and money for Macbeth trip

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 14: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Vocabulary Quiz 1

-Activity (Day 2): Presentations
     -Each group will present their findings: three character traits, quotation, and an explanation.
     -Record responses in your notes

-Read chapters 12-14

-Bring in permission forms and money for Macbeth trip

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 13: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

*Character development*

-You will work in groups.
-Each group will be assigned a character to analyze.

For each character:
1) Find 3 character traits to describe him/her.
2) Support each trait with a quotation from the text.

-record your responses on the chart paper provided.

You will present your findings tomorrow.

Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 12: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 10-11

-Answer Chapter questions Ch. 10-11
     -discuss findings as a class

-Writing task: Perspective
      -Write a journal entry from either Dill or Jem's perspective exploring the events which have occurred in the first seven chapters of the novel. Refer to specific events and remember to describe the places and people around you. How would Dill describe Jem? Scout? Atticus?

Reminder: Vocabulary Quiz Friday!

Day 11: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Answer questions Ch. 8-9 in groups
      -take up responses as a class

-Vocabulary Review Activity

-Read: Chapter 11 [25 minutes]
(to be completed for homework for Thursday)

Reminder: Vocabulary Quiz Friday!

Day 10: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Homework check: questions Ch. 4-7

-Take up responses as a class

-Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 8-9
      -complete worksheet in pairs
      -take up responses as a class

-Read: Chapter 10 [25 minutes]
(to be completed for homework)

Day 9: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 4-7
      -complete the worksheet in pairs
     -take up responses as a class

-Answer Chapter Questions Chapters 4-7

-complete Ch. questions 4-7
-continue reading Ch. 8-9
(for Monday)

Day 8: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

*Importance of Perspective*

-Read quotation on board:
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . . . until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."-Atticus

-What does this quotation mean? What is the speaker trying to explain to his daughter? What does the speaker mean by the term point of view? How does perspective, or point of view, come into play in writing? in story telling?
- Why did Atticus offer this advice to Scout? What events in the story to this point have prompted him to share this advice?

-What is "point of view"? 
     -Copy definitions into notes

-From which point of view is To Kill A Mockingbird told?

Activity: Perspective   

-You will work in groups. Each group is given a photo of a shoe. Brainstorm details based on your first impression of the shoes in your notebooks. 

-Now, envision the owner of the shoe and complete the "Walking in Someone Else's Shoes" handout.

-Present your findings to the class.

-Recap: What was the purpose of this activity? How does this relate to the novel that we are studying? How does perspective impact a story? How does it add/detract from a story?

-Read: Chapters 8-9 [20 minutes]
(to be completed for Monday)

Day 7: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-TKAM Chapter Questions
     -Answer questions in pairs for Chapters 1-3
     -Take up responses as a class

-Read: Chapters 6-7 [20 minutes]

Day 6: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

-Read and explore the definition of "Segregation"
        -Copy definition of segregation into notes
        -How do you think these terms might play a role in the novel?

-Vocabulary Worksheet Chapters 1-3
      -work in groups to complete worksheet
      -take up responses as a class

-Read: Chapters 6-7 [30 minutes]

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 5: To Kill A Mockingbird

-Scenario Activity:
      -Read scenario assigned to your group
      -Is this an example of discrimination? Why or why not?
      -Present findings to the class

-What is discrimination? Prejudice? Stereotype?

-What examples of prejudice throughout history can you identify?
      -Explore in pairs, then discuss as a group

-Read: "Plessy vs. Ferguson, Brown vs. Board of Education"
       -What are the main issues?
       -What type of segregation is taking place?
       -Are these examples of discrimination? Why or why not?

-Read chapters 4-5

Day 4: Short Stories Cont...

-Answer discussion questions from "Just Lather That's All" in pairs.
      -take up responses as a class

-Distribution of Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

-Read chapters 1-3

Day 3: Short Stories Cont...

-Continue answering questions 2, 3-5
      -take up responses as a class

-Read aloud as a class: "Just Lather That's All" by  Hernando Tellez

Day 2: Short Stories

-Read aloud as a class: "The Possibility of Evil" by Shirley Jackson

-Answer thinking questions in pairs: # 2, 3-5

Day 1: Introduction to English 2D

Welcome to Miss MacKenzie's grade 10 Academic English class!

Course Outline: ENG 2D

-Review: Learning skills, classroom expectations, code of respect.