Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 57: LOTF Cont...

1) Quiz: Chapters 1-3

2) Plotting Conflict Worksheet: Handout
         *complete this worksheet as you read each chapter

3) Answer Discussion Questions Chapters 3-4

4) Read Chapter 5

-Continue reading chapter 5; Read chapter 6
*Plotting Conflict Worksheet

Answer the following question on the blog:

-What types of conflict have we seen in the novel so far? Clearly explain your response.


  1. There are many conflicts in the novel, one is between Ralph and Jack over being leader. Ralph is a naturall born leader, and Jack is very ambitious. Jack craves power and authority, but Ralph also wants to be the leader, so they had a vote. Ralph won the vote, but Jack still thinks he should be leader

  2. Another conflict that arises in the novel is over the existence of a 'beastie'. All the boys are scared over the possibility of a monster on the island,especially the little'uns. The big boys try to calm them by disputing the idea.
    This is both a internal conflict and an external conflict because while the big boys try to convince the little'uns that the beast is not real, they are not sure of that themselves.

  3. One of the types of conflict we see in the novel, "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is man vs. self. We see that the boys struggle internally from being sanely balanced. They start off from being civilized young men but as they continue to be stranded on the unknown island with no rules, they gradually become wild savages without noticing, letting out their hidden evil nature and using violence as an answer to everything. An example of this is when the boys think there is a beast living on the island with them. They are not able to find or see the beast, but still desire to kill it. However, in reality, the beast is the evil inside of them wishing to come out though they are not able to realize that.

    Wickedness is present in every man.

  4. (AKA AverageJoeOnTheStreet1234)
    One of the types of conflicts in the novel is Person VS Nature. Ever since the boys have landed, they have been adapting to the new environment. They have to deal with the many things nature throws at them, such as storms, lack of food, the remoteness of civilization, and the heat.

    The boys have resolved some of these conflicts by assigning people to take care of them at meetings. For example, the choir boys are responsible for hunting, solving the food shortage.

    Person VS Nature takes a major role in the plot, and is the main conflict, besides Person VS Person.

  5. There are many conflicts in the novel. One of them was a struggling for a position. Ralph was a natural leader in this book, but Jack is anxious to be a leader as
    Macbeth. Jack's ambition revealed every human is hiding their evilness(savage)

  6. Another conflict that happens in the novel is bullying this is shown when the boys are trying to find something to start the fire so they take Piggy's glasses without asking they also make fun of his name which is rude , uncalled for and not nice. Also i'm pretty sure its bullying awareness month so just saying Mr. Ryan always making connections.
