Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 16: To Kill A Mockingbird Cont...

*The Importance of Titles


-When do we use titles in our society? (ex: Mister, Miss, etc).
-What is the significance of calling someone by a title?

View: Ben Harper: "Excuse Me Mister"
        -Follow along with lyrics


-What kind of Mister is portrayed in the first paragraph?
-What kind of Mister is portrayed in the fourth paragraph?
-What does Ben Harper express in the chorus? 
-Why would he want to take the 'Mister' from in front of this type of Mister’s name?
-What is the artist writing about in paragraph seven?
-How does the message in this song relate to Harper Lee's novel?

Language is a powerful tool in To Kill A Mockingbird. Using examples of titles for the characters in the novel, we can explore how the author uses language to reveal the power of words to establish what (and who) society values most.

Read as a class: The Importance of Titles

Complete in pairs: Character List worksheet
     -take up responses as a class

-Read Chapters 16 & 17 (for Monday)

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